Thursday, May 24, 2012

you had me at

back from a 3 day camp. & a realization from the "confidence night walk" where we had to sit in an abandoned bungalow for half and hour. the head instructor had me at "think about your loved ones, the one that has sweat for you, what good youve done today, and what bad."

and also before camp najiba gave me a lego stormtrooper led keychain

completely awesome present. i was endlessly spazzing about it whenever i took it out.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

stay home sundays

the heat was so overwhelming in the day i did a little bit of packing for the camping trip. but other than that walking around was so exhausting and taking out the clothes out of my closet had me sweating.

other than that, i was going around my room taking pictures of things.

well that's it for a sunday. 

but on another note, the guardians of the kids my grandma used to babysit visited us earlier. and the father told me that when i was i kid, i was quite a stoner. always zoning out and doing my own thing on my own account. 
ah so i guess i was an introvert since young. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012


things that annoy me




oh okay no.

but things that can ruin my mood for the entire day completely/ think differently of you/ annoy me/ probably annoys everyone else is

  1. people being late
  2. people thats always late 
  3. and people who stand in the middle of the competition pool thus interrupting my lap. and also annoying people who cant swim, and they have no basic courtesy of not cutting in someone's lap or saying sorry. 
pisses the fuck out of me. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

a post with a picture with nothing to do with the post. but okay.

the things i like on my desk.
i havent been driven into studying. and it's my exam week. i dont know what's wrong with me. 

on a much lighter note, in my opinion, weekends are for me to actually wind down so most of the time i'll do the things i want - swimming reading sleeping all day and what not - and just pretend like the other 5 days of the week never happened or existed. 
work hard for 5 days straight and give yourself a break. yeah. 

a few days ago my friend was baffled when i said i was going to the library to find books to read. 
"but POA exam is on monday"
so i guess your point is that theres no such thing as reading or anything else besides studying during exam week. aha. but i dont work that way. 

anyway have a nice weekend ahead. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


B l a m e

Sunday, May 6, 2012

the best yet

t h a n k  y o u 
yenny, pretti, ms chong, sue may, kimberly, zafirah, syazwani, khairun, istiqaamah, najiba, qurishyna, nabilah, kak nabilah, kak syiqah, kak syikin, abang rizal and mom. 

from mom and sis. this thing is so sweet and completely different from what i'm used to building. they're made up of gears and stuff like that. i cant help but think of how smart and creative the creator of this piece while i put them together. 

my first birthday present given a day before my birthday by yenny. really cute & sweet at how much details and effort she has put in this card :')

from my cousin nabilah!! i really love it. and i purposely switched the cheerleader and the skater dude's features that way because i'm cool like that. 

and lastly a birthday present from kak syikin and abang rizal. \(^_^)/

also a few days before i went to secret chamber aka the lego world and bought myself this. 6 bucks tho!! a few hours later i regretted that i didn't bought the darth vader keychain. but anyway completely fell in love with the colour.

anyway, so far it's a really great birthday since i genuinely did not expect anything at all. i woke up a day before without realizing my birthday's the day after and i woke up on my birthday without expecting anyone to come up and say "happy birthday!" i really think this is a great birthday.

 i've realized that the less i expect, the more it turns out really well for me. thank you for birthday messages sent personally through your own knowledge that it's my birthday, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside that you guys remember it n_n 

really, i cant thank any of you enough. from the bottom of my heart. \(~_~)/

Saturday, May 5, 2012

5th of 5th

somewhere around 9 a.m

and the feeling of being 16 in sinking in


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

weekends with real people

the meet & greet went as i expected: annoying kiasu fangirls, annoying rude kiasu security guards and the very kind celebrity. & also a very unglamorous photo with Jay Park with a few other people I dont really want to take a picture together with but were all forced to.

a good weekend it was.