murphy's law: Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".
i remember being introduced to this law, but explained in an example of "you stand at the opposite side of the road waiting for a cab but none on it but the opposite one full with it. and when you cross to the opposite side, cabs start to disappear and magically appear on the opposite side." or something like that.
in that case, today, i went to the mall with intentions of getting a birthday present for my sister & getting a lego mines of moria set for myself. but there wasnt any when i arrived at the ~lego store~ which i was sure should have stocks of them because god damn it, it was a lego store, right?!
aaaaanyway i spent almost 50 bucks on gifts and i'm left with $40 and apprently when you're at the mall, you magically lose track of what youre spending on and i dont even know where i spent on on $30. geez.