Tuesday, April 30, 2013

book of the reward

i got my birthday present from my mom & sis almost a week early!! nonetheless i'm really contented.
other news, i got ready for sports day, had breakfast with my lovely rejects, and didnt go for sports day. the thought of sitting in the sun and boiling my blood while being sandwhiched between sweaty adolescents in a stadium doesnt sound too pleasing.

and bought a book which i cant help but complain at how expensive it was considering it was a paperback. i wouldnt mind paying 27 bucks for a hard cover but nonetheless!! FINALLY got my hands on the book i've been hunting for months or weeks. not too sure.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

book of the fret

great day. 
  1. had 2 consecutive free periods.
  2. my friends and i dismissed ourselves at 1.25
  3. nearly passed my chemistry test (!!!) i should be given credit considering i'm already making a tiny step forward.
  4. giving school a miss tomorrow woot woot 
  5. (finally) reorganized my work space 
a day left to allowance day &&&& friday so hang in there yeah?

Monday, April 22, 2013

book of the giver

this is the part where i officially
give up

monday isnt working out that well for me
and i'm pissed

and to top it off
i lost all of my printings and a few pieces and sketches and planning for my art prep work

to top that off
i have a deadline tomorrow

give up

Friday, April 19, 2013

book of the sigh

 "so do you like what you're seeing?"
i nod obediently. the two doctors then look at each other and give that 'let's proceed' nod.

so there you have it. took me a year and a half!!

 but to sum up a typical day:

  1. by the time i was in art class i realised i lost a few of my pieces that i had to painstakingly crane my neck drawing sigh it probably slipped out of my art file on my way to school WHY DIDNT ANY SOUL ALERT MY SOME PAPERS WERE FLYING OUT OF MY GIGANTIC FILE SIGH i couldve cried and whined about it. but i didnt. 
  2. by third period i was left all alone because harrshenee left school and najiba and kimberly wasnt at school sigh sigh OMG LOL WHY I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO DURING RECESS AND ASSEMBLY LOL sigh

Sunday, April 14, 2013

book of the fault

going out alone is okay. going out walking around the mall window shopping is okay. going out window shopping around the mall alone is okay.

going out window shopping around the mall alone while youre severely broke isnt really okay.

i spent my sunday afternoon at the mall trying out clothes new look just to confirm my shopping list. i also went to the bookstore before my blistering feet gave up on the terrible pair of vans i decided to wear. rather a bad idea because right now a) i have two blisters each on both of my feet, b) my shopping list for my crappy end of the month allowance is rather filled with books i'd like to read rather than my necessities like jeans and stuff like that.

anyway, gift certificates from times would be awfully convenient as a birthday present. other than that i'm not too sure about turning seventeen.

Friday, April 12, 2013

book of the sometimes i wonder why i even care when no one does lol

i havent written anything in a while and i have no other excuses except to say that my life has been as boring to not write about anything. aside from the usual complains and whining about the crapload of school work, back aches, very messed up and inconsistent predicament i'm in, my life is not at all interesting to write down each day. but anyway i'll leave you to your weekend with one of my favourite short films. have a nice weekend.

Monday, April 1, 2013

book of the mistake

i got my hair done a few days ago and i went back to bangs. i had a lot of reasons for this stupid decision which i obviously now regret, but one factor i had missed out in contemplating on wether to get it done was: the weather.

i swear i thought i was going to die of a heat stroke or something at school earlier.
but aaaaanyway there were a lot of comments about this new 'look' or whatever but haneef's "you look like shit" blunt comment as he walked passed me in the hallway really takes the cake.
not that i'm complaining but as intriguing as it was i was still rather impressed (which doesnt really justify it, i cant find the correct word) that hey, at least he's being really honest.

all i didnt want was people going around in circle saying "wow i told you not to cut bangs" or crap like that, i just wanted an honest opinion. another honest remark was joanna's incoherent and rather loud 'eeeew' as she walked pass me.

god, i love you guys.